What is the most valuable, life-enriching thing you can do in this moment, in the place where you are, with what you have? All you must do, is do it.
You don't have to burden yourself with worrying about all the problems in the world, for worry will accomplish nothing. Your most loving, compassionate and fulfilling choice, is to be your best right now.
How can you possibly find the strength to take full and unequivocal responsibility for your whole world? It's easy when you realize that all you ever have to do is give your best to the moment you're in.
There is no limit to the good and valuable things you can accomplish to fulfill your own purpose and to lovingly serve the needs of others. Doing your authentic best, right now, in this moment, is more than enough to change the world for the better.
Let go of the chatter that runs through your thoughts. Focus instead on feeling the immensity of positive possibility in which you're immersed.
As you journey through this very moment, leave real, honest value where you go, in the best way you know how. A life well lived, and a world well served, happens now.
-Ralph Marston
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